Red Riding Hood Thesis

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Growing up, we have all been told fairy tales, whether it had been tales of princesses and princes or about about religious figures who we are meant to admire for their accomplishments. But as children, we never saw the true meaning behind these stories, we simply considered the tales as amusing stories that our parents would read to us to satisfy our boredom or curiosity. Little did we know that the same stories that were told to us served as a warning for children just like us. Most of us have heard of Little Red Riding Hood, the sweet little girl who had been told to give sweets to her grandmother to make her feel better. We had thought that she was such a grown up, walking all alone all the way to her grandmother's house, and to some …show more content…

No lumberjack comes to their rescue, and the mother is left wondering what happened to her mother and daughter. This tale serves as a warning to young pretty girls, don’t speak or interact with any stranger, for you may lose you life because of it. Many tales like this were told in the form of a lesson, something we didn't have to worry about, and this showcased how the life of peasant were constantly in danger to the point in which children had to be filled with fears so that may live their lives …show more content…

People lived in fear of this beast, for it was told to be the size of a cow and resemble a wolf. It feared nothing and looked for victims anywhere it could. It mostly targeted children who were left alone to tend to their parent’s livestock. Why would it cause a herd of sheep when it could easily take down a small and slow child? This made me wonder, was there any correlation between the Beast of Gévaudan and Little Red Riding Hood? At first, I thought the tale was about a metaphorical beast, that was referring to the dangers of strangers. But did the Author Charles Perrault refer to the evil wolf as a literal wolf, like the one that was terrorizing peasants? This got me thinking, is this a coincidence, or is Red Riding Hood a warning in several ways? First, you must trust a stranger, also, never venture off alone by yourself, for that may be the way you die if you are a child and

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