Rebekah Nathan’s Study on the Behavior of Modern College Students

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Nowadays, it seems, the college life consists mainly of beer, parties, and sex and less about the idea of gaining an education to better oneself academically. Professors often wonder what students are thinking when it comes to their class and why they act the way they do towards things such as taking notes and study for exams. A female anthropologist professor at an unknown university (AnyU) realized that she could no long understand the habits of the students she was teaching. She believed that the best way to figure out these misunderstandings would be for her to get to know students in an informal and personal way, one that she could not do as a professor. After weighing all the possibilities and ethical situations, she decided to enroll at her own university as a freshman.
Rebekah Nathan’s study ranges from her first days on campus as a freshman just moving into the dorms, all they through to the end of the school year. She begins talking about life within the student dorms. As she described the dorms, readers who have experienced life on a college campus can begin to gain a picture of their own memories. It is commons for two people to share a room, she notes that residents of the dorm share a kitchen and bathroom and that there is usually a line for the bathroom early in the morning as everyone tries to get ready for class.(Nathan 2005, 20-21). This idea alone can be a great indicator of why students decided to dress down so much for college classes. She also describes that students in her dorm, on average, were in bed by 11:30 pm, but she noted that bed times could range to as late as two in the morning.(Nathan 2005, 35). It is because of these two ideas that student’s hygiene and appearance could lack at times in during c...

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...o break away from relaying solely on their parents. Many students have to perform some sort of work through college to make money to put towards food or bills. College forces kids to depend on themselves. It makes figure out just who they are and what they can handle, and it allows them to think for themselves. Nathan ends her college story with an excellent quote from a senior; “I think I was pampered the first two years with thinking it was great that I am living on my own and taking on some responsibilities and experiencing, you know the “fun” of college life…The problem I have now is, people are frustrating to me because they don’t take school seriously enough,”(Nathan, 2005, 130). While in college, its acceptable to make mistakes every once in a while because in the end, college is about education and not all lessons learned during college come from a textbook.

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