Rebecca Patterson Research Paper

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There was a girl named Rebecca Patterson that attended Ole Marion High school in Miami, Florida. She was in the eleventh grade. At the age of 16, Rebeccas birth mother was addicted to drugs which caused all her kids to get taken. They were all forced to live with strangers. Rebecca sisters and brothers was given the choice to live with family members, but Rebecca was forced to go to an foster home in Memphis, Tennessee. As a result, she had to attend Memphis high school with students that bullied her every day. She was an gifted and talented smart girl. She was bullied because of skin color and her smarts. Most of the girls was jealous because she could sing and achieved higher grades then them. Rebecca was pushed around and the girls use …show more content…

They made her cook and clean. If she messed up the food or missed a spot when cleaning up, her foster parents would hit her with these thick leather belts. It would leave welps on her arm, back, and leg. As a matter of fact, they had a small wood shed full with leather belts and weapons they used just on her. Not to mention, her foster parents made her sleep on a cold, wooden floor with rats crawling from corner to corner along with spider webs on every part of the wall. When she bathed, she had to go outside and use an water hose. So every now and then she would sneak to her boyfriend house for a nice cleaning and something comfty to wear. Since he had a sister her age, she wore his sister extra clothing she had. He knew all about her situation at home and he tried to help by telling her to tell someone. However, she was afraid to even tell anybody because if she told they would actually kill her. So she kept her mouth shut. Then one day everyone was gone to the store except her and her foster dad. She was in the living room watching tv, he came and told her to come here. She obviously followed him because she was highly afraid of him. They went to his room and he told her that he needed her to pick up something. He then raped her. She felt so ashamed of herself. She couldnt run away because they always locked her in

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