Rebecca Black Friday Analysis

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Fashion trends, technology trends, and finally music trends define an a time. However these trends never focus on is how some of our top artist today are the most annoying, untalented singers of their generation. These so called talented famous people have taken abuse of today’s society by manipulating the ethos of the teens and children. These “role models” have just become plastic robots that no longer convey meaningful messages but thrive on the fame and fortune. In 2012 one of the most nationally hated songs was Rebecca Black’s Friday. This one-hit wonder, produce this single not based on her talent but on her family’s money, hoping to turn her into a pop star. However, it seems that all that money could have been put to use elsewhere like singing lessons, as a result, her single turned out to be an extremely autotuned song. Though it does not stop there. In her single she sung in such a nasal tone that it would haunt her for the rest of her career. Critics say even now that her voice is still heard by was in no way pleasant and many criticized her for having absolutely no talent in singing. …show more content…

Rappers that have taken over today’s teens have begun to also venture out into the singing world. The artist that rose into the celebrity world like Iggy Azalea and Nicki Minaj made the billboards. Nicki Minaj started off in the music industry with hits like “Your Love” that hit number one back in 2010. However as she strived for fame, this once talented rapper got consumed by society. In the past five years since she started her career this once natural rapper has become a plastic auto-tuned rapper. With seven plastic surgeries and music that is manipulated by robots, Nicki no longer proves to be worth of her celebrity

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