Reasons for the Failure of the Weimar Republic

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Reasons for the Failure of the Weimar Republic

The period of German history from 1919 to 1933 is known as the WeimarRepublic.

It is named after the city of Weimar, where a national assembly

convened to produce a new constitution after Germany's defeat in World

War I.

This first attempt at establishing a liberal democracy in Germany was

a time of great tension and inner conflict and, ultimately, failed

with the ascent of Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party in 1933. Although

technically, the 1919 constitution was never entirely invalidated

until after World War II, the legal measures taken by the Nazi

government in 1933 that are commonly known as Gleichschaltung (a

political sense to describe the process by which the Nazi regime

successively established a system of total control and coordination of

all aspects of society)in fact destroyed all mechanisms provided for

by a typical democratic system, so it is common to mark 1933 as the

end of the Weimar Republic.

Also the Weimar government was/was not a total failure because firstly

it lasted for 14 years and it also introduced ideas of a democracy.

On the one hand, Hitler became Reichskanzler legally through the

mechanisms set forth by the constitution, and the NSDAP had gained the

relative majority of the seats in Parliament in the two 1932

elections. On the other hand, Hitler was appointed Reichskanzler at a

time where support for the "movement" had proven not to be sufficient

to gain power. Two main reasons for the collapse are: Economic

problems and Institutional problems.

Firstly, I will talk about economic problems. The Weimar Republic had

some of the most serious econo...

... middle of paper ...

...Kaiser. Many

Germans resented the fact that the TOV had not been reversed and

blamed the government for it.

While things were going well, the Weimar republics achievements looked

impressive. Once things went wrong, they looked much less so.

Overall the Weimar government was more of a failure than a success

from my point of view. The reason was between 1919-23 it was the

difficult years as the government had to sign the hated TOV. Between

1923-29 it was described as the better years, this was due to Gustav

Stresemann, ending off hyperinflation, the Dawes and Young plan, but

all off this was due to U.S.A. and when the Wall St. Crash occurred it

all went wrong, in 1929-33 it was described as the bad years, this was

cause stresemann dies, loans recalled, unemployed, extreme parties re

popular, Nazis and communists.

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