Reasons To Walk The Camino De Santiago In The Film The Way

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“You don't choose a life, dad. You live one.” In the movie, The Way directed by Emilio Estevez, four people from different places come together to walk the Camino de Santiago. What they don’t realize is that they are all walking the Camino de Santiago for one reason, and that is for themselves. Sarah, another one of the main characters that Tom comes across, might say that she is walking to quit smoking, but in real life she is walking for inner peace and to assure herself that she can finish smoking anytime she wants.
While Sarah is walking for one reason, Tom, the American, is walking for another reason. Daniel, Tom’s son, is an American that traveled the whole world. When he started to walk the Camino de Santiago, he gets stuck in a terrible …show more content…

After he got out of college, Jack worked for a magazine company because he wanted to write a book. After a couple of years, he got writer’s block, so he starts to walk the Camino de Santiago for ideas. But, it doesn't help. When Jack meets Tom, Joost the Dutchman, and Sarah, they show him other perspectives because he always looks at things one way. These fellow walkers show him that sometimes there is only one meaning to the story. Sarah responds to something that Jack says by saying, “Well, Jack, maybe a dog fight near a cheese farm is simply a dog fight near a cheese farm.” Jack says excitedly, “AH! Okay... That's good. That... is very... good! Maybe I should adopt a more conservative attitude instead of trying to tickle meaning out of every curve in the road. Oh, Christ... I haven't had an original thought in months! Writer's block.” Jack is trying to find inner peace. He is trying to write a book, but he is getting into details that he does not need. Because of being over detailed, he can neither write a book, nor achieve inner peace with …show more content…

When Joost first met Tom he came off very excited and happy, but it became clear that when the movie progressed that he was kind of unhappy about his physical appearance. He thinks that he is fat, and that's why his wife left him. Even though he is unfit he is always looking at the good of things, like making jokes when everybody is down. He meets Tom throughout the story and every time he does Tom is surprised. “What, you can do this on a bike? Why the hell are we walking? Oh that's ridiculous man.” Even though Joost is trying to lose weight he will find a shortcut and try to use it. When the final scene comes on and everyone is on the rocks Joost says “I needed a new suit anyways.” Even though Joost did not complete his final task he is still making jokes for the inner peace that he had found.
Every body from Tom to Jack all had one purpose, inner peace. They didn't know it at first but they led each other to realize it. When Tom stands on the rocks and throws his son’s ashes into the ocean he says “I came here to bring you home. I don't have anything to take back.” Tom, and his friends, found their inner peace and are leaving everything bad behind

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