Reasons Of Communism In Cambodia

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Once American troops left Cambodia, the time known as the Khmer Rouge era started for Cambodia. This era contained four years of Pol Pot having control over the terrifying army. As he has control over this army, he leads them into Phnom Penh and starts the mass killing known as The Killing Fields. This area of land which was once a torturing ground and killing fields, is now the biggest tourist attraction in Cambodia. The goal of the Khmer Rouge was not to eliminate the Cambodian race but instead was to teach them to become loyal communists. As with all attempts at implementing communism, it was a total failure.
Communism was set up for failure because of three main points. These three main points are incentives, absence of the market, and …show more content…

Of the ten only three have survived. The three countries that are still in the form of communism are Cuba, North Korea, and China. They are slowly corrupting like the other seven countries that failed earlier. (look in diagram left) As the remaining countries slowly collapse. Another country somewhere will think they can survive the horrifying government of communism. (Malone, 2009) Eventually they will corrupt and being very poor and very small compared to where they have started. It just doesn’t affect the country that has this government, but yet affects the entire world, with the economics that is controlled with in and out of money. If you are not trading resources another country would have to find that resource from another country that may cost more. This leading to a more of a poor country that has a non-controllable government. (Istvan, …show more content…

The false beliefs that is recorded is leading to a huge genocide that corrupts the country inside and out. Killing men, women, and children due to lack of work, or to the unnecessary of them. They just shoot innocent people because that’s what they want to do. People have no power in how the country is run, which people have the needs of power. If people feel like they do not have any power they will lack in many ways which will affect the country slowly. Also, if they do not receive some type of reward for doing right, why would they do right? They wouldn’t, they start the lack in working which is what a country needs. If a country does not have any type of workers, they will lack to provide the needs to survive for each and everyone there. Which is how the country will corrupt. (Grey,

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