Analyzing Realism in Utopias: Babghanistan, Liluania, Alfaunia

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After analysing six different utopias, it is concluded that Babghanistan, Liluania and Alfaunia is the most realistic out of all the utopias. The similarity that is identified between the 3 utopia is that the state of nature and inherent nature is easily identified and responsibilities, rights of both citizen and the government are appropriate.

Babghanistan is one of the most realistic utopia because there is a valid appropriate reason behind every choice made by the government as well as giving reasons why it would not be effective if the government picked the opposite way on the dilemmas. For example, in the fourth dilemma about abortion, it is clearly stated “if abortion were illegal there would still be many woman that would go to a non licensed doctor.” This shows the other side of the dilemma which indicates realism in the utopia. The policy also stated that “After your first abortion the price will increase by $200 for every abortion you get after that” and “women who were raped or impregnated against their will, they will be granted an abortion throughout any time of the pregnancy.” and …show more content…

For example, in the second dilemma about gun control, it clearly stated that “guns are strictly restricted and illegal” and “People can sometimes be violent and lack self control and therefore should not be trusted with weapons.” It is logical and realistic because if the government believes that “people can sometimes be violent and lack self control” then guns should be “strictly restricted and illegal” but what makes Alfaunia significantly realistic is that the policy also consider the safety of citizens. It is stated that guns are only permitted “if they complete a training and get an approval from the military and the government.” This result in Alfaunia being one of the more realistic utopia than

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