Realism: The Father Of Realism And The Human Mind

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Realism has nearly nothing to do with the human mind, but has everything to do with the way the world functions outside of the mind. Realists believe in rational thought and will only perceive things the way that they are truly seen, without any type of interpretation. Aristotle is referred to as the father of realism because of his break off from the philosophical teachings of Plato.Platonic realism is a philosophical term usually used to refer to the idea of realism regarding the existence of universals or abstract objects after the Greek philosopher Plato (c. 427–c. 347 BC), a student of Socrates. As universals were considered by Plato to be ideal forms, this stance is ambiguously also called Platonic idealism.. Realism is …show more content…

It says that every reality can be proved by observation, experience, experiment and scientific reasoning, For them, experience is the touchstone of what is real. Whenever the simple and direct experience can’t determine the objective truth, the common sense puts its truth in scientific research. In the present world of falling idols and falling ideals, the realists emphasize the role of intelligence as great significant, as it formulates the concepts and develops general and abstract ideas. Realism is a movement in art, which started in the mid nineteenth century in France, and later spread the entire world. Realism entered literature at almost at the same time. Its real objective was to root out what is called fantastic and romantic in literature and art, to insert what is …show more content…

 According to Montaigne,' The aim of education is to inculcate intellect & logic in man by which he can lie his life well.’
 The sense realism in education emphasizes the training of the senses.
 Senses are the gateways of knowledge and learning takes place the operation of the senses.
 According to sense-realists nature is the treasure house of all knowledge and this knowledge can be obtained through the training of the senses.
 Neo-Realism is really a philosophical thought.
 It appears the methods and results of modern development in physics.
 They do not consider the scientific principles everlasting while they express the changeability in them.
 They support the education of art with the science and analytical system of education with the humanistic feelings


 Practical and Utilitarian
 Related to needs of individual and demand of society
 Revolutionary changes in Method of Teaching
 Importance to Science
 Impressionistic and Emancipatory Discipline
 Changed the Organizational Pattern of

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