Reagan's Speech To Our Nation

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Since the inception of The United States of America, Americans, often have turned to the President, in times of concern to receive reassurance, faith and hopefulness. Because we have just commemorated the thirtieth anniversary, of the space shuttle Challenger disaster, as well as my recent admission that President Reagan is one of my hero’s. Combining them both for this assignment, it only seemed fitting to discuss President Reagan’s speech to our nation, given on January 28, 1986 (Reagan, Reagan Speech to America- Space Shuttle Disaster, 1986).
On January 28, 1986 President Reagan was scheduled to give his annual State of the Union Address. However, on that morning the “Challenger” space shuttle, unexpectedly exploded a short time after takeoff, while the nation and world watched live on television. Reagan, instead of giving his state of the union speech, he chose to change his speech, specifically stating at the onset of his speech, “Today is a day for mourning and remembering” (Reagan, Address to the Nation …show more content…

Besides, making us feel like family, he named each of the astronauts that perished, and briefly reminded us on the background of our space program. Reagan, also spoke to the interest of all Americans during this speech, including school age children. This flight was significant to school age children, as they were encouraged to watch the launch of the Challenger from their classrooms. This flight included Christa McAuliffe, a teacher from New Hampshire. Other average Americans were affected by this tragedy, because Christina McAuliffe was also the first American civilian chosen to fly into space. For the men and women working at NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), it was particularly hard, as no astronaut lives have ever been lost during a flight in space, during their lustrous

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