Reaction Paper On The Story Of Prometheus

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The story of Prometheus is I think one of the best stories in Greek mythology, I think Prometheus showed a lot of loyalty to man when he defied Zeus to bring fire to mankind. Without fire mankind, who had been enduring great hardships, such as freezing and starving, would not have survived much longer as the story goes. I think that when Prometheus decided to go against Zeus’ wish to not help mankind he must have known it would make Zeus mad and that he would be punished, this is why I think it is one of the most incredible things I have seen in Greek myth. I think that it really takes a man that is true to himself to know you are going to face trouble, hardship, or even punishment and not let that sway your decision to do the right thing, …show more content…

Prometheus had given man fire smuggled from the gods with a reed the fire burned through the soft pith in the center of the reed. I think that Prometheus using the pith to sustain the burning for long enough to get it down to man was really a genius plan in an age of little technology, he realized that there would be no way for him to get the fire down to man without the fire burning out and had to find a way to get it there, after all it takes nine days. After he had figured out that the pith would burn slow and not be blown out, he must have had mixed emotions, he would have known this was going to eventually lead to his …show more content…

Zeus then decided it is time to punish Prometheus because the suffering of men was not enough and Prometheus had to be taught a lesson. Zeus sent his allies Strength and Force to capture and contain Prometheus where they chained him to the highest peak of the Caucasus mountains, I don’t really know what significance these mountains had or why Zeus would decide that is the place to contain Prometheus as he was a titan and titans were known to be very large and giant like, But when Zeus again pitted Vulcan against his friend Prometheus, Vulcan chained him down so he couldn’t move not even a hand or foot. I think that still Prometheus would have forgiven his friend because he knew that Zeus being the tyrant he was being was once again forcing him to do it. I think his torture on the side of the mountain would have been one of the worst things in Greek myth, he hung there as an eagle tore him apart day after day tearing his body apart and eating his liver, he would regenerate every day and the liver grew back just to have it torn out again the next day. This is brutal and all through this he never said he was sorry never cried out for mercy he stood by his beliefs that what he did was the right thing and so he just hung there for years. I think one of the best details of this story is that Prometheus knew something that Zeus wanted to know about a prophecy that the goddess Thetis would

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