Rat Bite Fever Essay

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Rat Bite Fever is an infectious disease that is caused by two different strands of bacteria. Streptobacillary Rate Bite Fever is caused by Streptobacillus moniliformis and is found primarily in the United States. Spirillary Rat Bite Fever is caused by Spirillum minus and is mostly found in Asia. Most people get Rat Bite Fever from infected rodents or contaminated food or water and if not treated, the infection can become very severe or fatal. In this paper, I will discuss the types of Rat Bite Fever, transmission of the infection, environmental factors, risk factors, clinical manifestations, treatment and prevention. I chose Rat Bite Fever because my friend’s brother, Kevin, contracted this infection about seven years ago and was actually …show more content…

moniliformis is found primarily in rats flora of their upper respiratory tract. In cultures, the organism is found in the nasopharnyx, larynx, upper trachea, and middle ear. The bacteria can be contracted by bite, handling of the rodent or by exposure to its excreta or saliva. S. moniliformis is also found in mice, guinea pigs, gerbils and ferrets. Epidemiology Rats are responsible for about one percent of the two million animal bites in the United States each year. Now that rats have become a type of pet and study animals, the demographic for potential victims include, children, pet owners, pet store workers and laboratory technicians. Over 200 cases of Rat Bite Fever have been documented in the United States, but that is severely underestimated due to the fact that the disease and its causative organism is reportable to health departments. The risk of infection after bitten by a rat is 10% and the mortality untreated Rat Bite Fever is approximately 13%. Geographic Locations Most reports of S. moniliformis come from the United States, however there have been reported cases from Brazil, Canada, Mexico and …show more content…

However, as the systemic phase of the illness begins; characterized by fever, chills, malaise and headache, the bite wound becomes swollen and indurated and is often associated with regional adenopathy. The bite site may ulcerate and pregress to a chancre-like lesion. A macular violaceous rash may occur involving extremities, face, and trunk. Joint manifestations are rare. Laboratory studies reveal a leukocytosis and up to 50% of infected have a false-positive serologic test for syphilis. Without antimicrobial therapy, the fever abates over 3-5 days only to recur at regular intervals of 3-10 days. Although relapses have been described to occur for years, spontaneous resolution usually occurs in 1 to 2 months. Without treatment mortality is around

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