Rapunzel: Stereotypes In The Real World

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Women Disney characters play a huge role in today’s society. The youth who watch the fairytales of their favorite characters are being introduced to both positive and negative perceptions of life and lifestyles. Although entertaining and seemingly harmless, Disney stories can introduce false hopes and guide children on the wrong path. People constantly discuss shows such as Family Guy, Jersey Shore, etc. that are negatively influencing people. Shows that make crude and inappropriate humor seem okay. Children watch shows like The Real World and see how older,”cool” adults act and want to be a spitting image of them. The same influential behaviors can be created through movies and stories spawned from Disney. Disney characters are not always …show more content…

Instead of the movie being named Rapunzel, the developers decided to use the title Tangled, a more gender friendly name. The film pictures a teenage girl who is unknowingly being held captive by her “mother”. The story is based around Rapunzel’s journey to the floating lights that fill the sky each night of her birthday. With the guidance of Flynn, an unlikely match to Rapunzel, Rapunzel gets to see the lights and learns her true place in the world. “Rapunzel is quirky, bubbly, modern, and goes after what she wants.” Rapunzel uses her go get it attitude by bribing Flynn, A new trait shown within the archives of Disney characters. This assertive personality that is highlighted by her sweet and caring side can successfully relate to children that women should be assertive in their efforts of getting what they desire. On a negative note, Rapunzel seems to end up falling for Flynn, who a day before was a thief. But give Rapunzel the benefit of the doubt, she does not know any better and has not witnessed much life experience. Tangled expresses an accurate symbolic representation of life after the nest ; Leaving home and discovering the world, once of age. So Flynn could be viewed as a mistake, a life experience, the bad boy boyfriend phase that girls go through on their journey to maturity. So all around Tangled is a good orientation to the time period of leaving home and taking on the mysterious adventures of

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