Rape Culture On College Campuses

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Rape culture. A term used to define our college or university campuses today in the west. A place apparently ripe with the sexual abuse of women and the indoctrination of our young men and sons. It is widely accepted, especially by the liberals and the left, that universities are a place of rape, misogyny, racism and all of the above. There was even a study taken place by the National Institute of Justice that stated that one in five women are victims of sexual assault. On top of this, people believe those who are skeptical towards victims of rape and their story are labeled as rape supporters and in support of the culture. But universities do not teach young men that it is ok to rape or sexually abuse a women, the men themselves don't think …show more content…

This is false. The one instance at the Canadian University is quite tragic and sad however they were exercising their right to free speech. The campus on the other hand sought to ensure that the students were sent to sensitivity training classes and then suspended. While those 80 students might have been intoxicated or maybe plain stupid, they were forced to take accountability for their actions. The students at the campus where outraged, some stating that “It was completely unacceptable,” and that they should have acted as the ambassadors that they were supposed to be. There was a student led reform later that presented 20 points to ensure that acts like won’t happen again. All the faculty, staff and students were enraged by this and sought to ensure that this never happend again. No one but the people who were at the chant supported it. Not the University, nor the other male students at the campus. So no, no one supported that nor the so called rape …show more content…

Well the statistic is not entirely true or accurate at all. According the Washington Examiner, it is stated that not only has this been “debunked multiple times” but the statistic itself is “misleading at best”. The study on took students from two unnamed public universities, with only 5,446 graduates. The researches stated that a limitation of their work was that the “response rates were relatively low” to take represent the whole undergraduate demographic. For any sort of demographic statistic, this would be it's downfall if not the absurdity of the questions. According to the CSA study, they were asked questions if they were “unable to provide consent or stop what was happening because you were passed out, drugged, drunk, incapacitated or asleep?” Or another being “about events that you think(but not certain) happend”. These questions are far from direct and the replies that go back the the CSA were up to them to determine if they have been raped or sexually assaulted. As Christina Hoff Sommers, of the American Enterprise Institute, notes, “No one interviewed was asked if they’d been raped or sexually assaulted.” Matter of fact the federal justice department reveals that around 1 in 52 college women are rape

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