Rape And Abortion: A Double Injustice?

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For the past hundred years, women have been fighting to gain the right to vote, the right to join the workforce, the right to equal pay and the right to make their own medical decisions. Women’s rights have been a major controversial topic in society, and specifically, abortion has been a major issue in regards to women’s rights. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy that results in the death of a baby fetus, and this process can only occur in the early stages of the pregnancy. Considering women are the ones to financially and emotionally take on the responsibility of raising a child, despite the fact that it may cause health risks, it is a women’s constitutional right to abort an early term child if she can not handle …show more content…

When women go through with a pregnancy, it can make the situation more traumatic for the victim after the assault. This is highlighted in the article “Rape and Abortion: A Double Injustice”, where Mary Meehan discusses how women who suffered abuse, describe their experiences and why they chose to abort. Many women worry that if they carry through with the child, it can lead to many flashbacks and memories that they wish they could forget. Scared teenagers and adults would hold on to this fear that the child would look similar to the father. Women would feel betrayed and scared of their own body, and they would still carry through with the pregnancy and holding onto the fear and betrayal (Meehan). To begin, women never wanted the pregnancy in the first place. They shouldn't be assaulted and “forced” to have the child. The mother would become afraid of their own child. When choosing to keep the baby after an assault, it can make the victim feel isolated. This could lead to a mother choosing to become a single parent, causing a negative impact on the child. “Some scared teenagers, as well as adult women, have shown such lonely courage in resisting peer pressures for abortion that gold medals should be struck for them” (Meehan). Some families wouldn't support the mother if they personally chose to keep the baby. Especially for …show more content…

In the article, “Sexed-Up Science,” Chris Mooney adresses how an abortion can lead to breast cancer and impacting a women’s mental health. Studies shown that when going through with an abortion, it can increase the chance of developing breast cancer. Abortion is known to be a “a safe medical procedure that carries relatively few physical or psychological risks.” Numerous colleges and scientists have proved that this statement is accurate, and causes a negative mental health (Mooney). If he mother chooses an abortion, it can provoke to the unborn child and the mother being affected. The mother's health risks would increase and the baby fetus receives death. Both lead to a negative outcome and if the mother carried the child, both would live a healthy, risk free life. Aside from the negative effects of an abortion, Women have the right to a safe and legal termination. Women should have complete control over this decision because the have to deal with the pregnancy and sacrifices, they should be able to choose what they want to do with their own body. This is shown in the article, “The Right to Safe Legal Abortion,” where Tim Anderson strongly agrees that an abortion must be an option for a woman and should be a fundamental right. Women have the protected right to choose their own decisions. The Supreme Court declares that the

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