Raising The Driving Age Essay

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Driving is a privilege not a right so it is important to learn the right way to drive. Many teens and young adults dream of finally having there drivers license. Some say that raising the driving age will help.I think adding a graduated drivers license will decrease accident rates.

When people talk about raising the driving age they think older drivers have less accidents. That may be true but 18 year olds would have 2 more years of experience. If you raise the driving age then the same problems we have now will happen to 18 year olds. Also if you raise the driving age many teens will not be able to work and get to school. It can help parents to allow there kids to run quick trips to the store. Many kids at this age will try to participate in extra curricular activities and if they can’t drive how will they get there if there parents …show more content…

If you allow more time driving with a parent then there will be more experience before they can drive by them selves. It will inconvenience some people but it will cause less accidents by giving them more time to adjust to the new privilege. Our state of Tennessee has the rule drivers must be in by night fall because they haven’t had the experience driving in the dark. In 23 of the states that have enforced GDL they have seen teen accidents go down over the years. I have hope for GDL it can make the road a better place Today we have two options for making the road safer, we can raise the driving age because some teens get into accidents, or we can use GDL. Raising the driving age will punish all teens because some of there peers are reckless. GDL isn’t the best option but it is certainly better than raising the driving age. GDL allows teens to ease into driving a lot slower than give the full power all at once. The states that use GDL have found less reported accidents and it still allows them to get a job and preform in extra curricular

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