Raising Minimum Wage

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The idea of minimum wage is an intense argument that holds various opinions. It is a concept that was created to lift low-income families out of poverty. These good intensions have been unsuccessful thus far; minimum wage is not enough for families to live on. Theses bare-minimum pays definitely need to be raised throughout the United States. Despite the predictions that higher minimum wages would cause other issues, Inflation rates have shown that it just isn’t enough to live on anymore, and raising the wage would make the economy stronger by uplifting millions of workers. The United State’s Minimum Wage is about to be the lowest it has ever been. Even though minimum wage has been increased a couple of different times, inflation is the core …show more content…

There are millions of hard workers in America that are barely balancing themselves above the national poverty line and desperately need to be paid more. Minimum wage needs to be higher, because it will lessen poverty and help the employed to support their families. The development of economic policies was created in 1933. Franklin D. Roosevelt called it “The New Deal”. Minimum wage became one of the policies that had been included. It basically promised that all American employees would earn a sufficient salary to support their families. The New Deal was the beginning of control of wages by the federal government. It made sure that every worker would be capable of earning a living wage. Because $7.25 per hour is not a living wage, that promise has been …show more content…

There are always shortages in jobs that require college degrees. Most kids come out of high school knowing they can take the easy way out and not continue to college. If businesses stopped hiring young adults, since they wouldn’t be “skilled” enough for the $10.10 minimum wage, they would think more about going off to college. Currently there are ___ job openings in the medical field that need to be filled; yet another reason why higher minimum wages would strengthen the economy. A lot of people believe that all minimum-wage workers are young and all unskilled—which is only a stereotype. The truth is that the people who will be most effected by a higher minimum wage are adults in their 30’s working full time, that have a family and are trying to make ends meet. 88 percent of those who would benefit from a federal minimum wage increase are age 20 or older, and 55 percent are women. (United States Department of

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