Raising Competent Kids: The Authoritative Parenting Style

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The scholarly article, Raising Competent Kids: The Authoritative Parenting Style, by Jeanne Ballantine was published on July 26, 2012. The author is a Sociology professor at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio (Ballantine 46). The column editor was Write Helen Altman Klein, who is a professor of Psychology at Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio (Ballantine 46). The Association for Childhood Education International was who published this article, the article was created in hopes that readers will distribute copies to parents, colleagues, and others who work with children. (Ballantine 46).
Information on Authors I did not find any information on the author in the websites that were provided. I did a google search and found a small biography …show more content…

It is scholarly because the both the author and the editor of this article are professors and are involved with the institution where they work. It is also directed to the general public because it was created with the intentions of it helping parents and providing insight to help them better communicate with their children and create competent kids. (Ballantine 46) The information given throughout the article in nature is primary because the author is using her own ideas as well as experiences and didn’t use any resources (Ballantine 46). The article provides both general background information as well as in-depth information about the topic. It provides the reader with some definitions of certain parenting styles and then goes on to explain the differences and how each work, as well as which one is the best one to use to communicate with children to have competent kids. (Ballantine 46) Lastly, the website does not include a bibliography or list of cited references. (Ballantine 46)
The publication date for the article, Raising Competent Kids: The Authoritative Parenting Style, by Jeanne Ballantine was on July 26, 2012. (Ballantine 46) The article did not have any citations in the bibliography. (Ballantine 46) The material provided in this article is barely within the five year cut off mark since it was published in 2012 which makes it 4 years old. (Ballantine 46) …show more content…

There are no footnotes provided in the article the only quotes provided are from the author’s personal experience (Ballantine 46). The author dose have a particular bias towards what kind of parenting styles parents should have to have good communication with their kids as well as to raise a competent child (Ballantine 46). They emphasize all the good that can come out of being authoritative parents and their opinions are easy to recognize (Ballantine 46). In my opinion the words and phrases do play to my emotions because it feels as if they are telling you should switch your parenting style in order to raise a competent child. There no advertisements that suggest the information might be biased toward selling a product rather than providing objective information (Ballantine

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