Survival Instincts in Literature: Rainsford and Baca

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In the story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell is about this hunter named Rainsford which tries to survive. Rainsford fell of his boat, landed on an island, found a mansion, a guy named General Zaroff challenged Rainsford to game. This game was about General Zaroff hunting down men which in this case is Rainsford. In the end Rainsford escaped and went to General Zaroff’s bedroom and killed him. In the poem “Who Understands Me But Me” by Jimmy Santiago Baca it’s about a guy who is in jail and hasn’t been outside in a long time. He lost all hope and gave up on everything. In the end he got released and regained all hope. A survivor is someone who is brave, instinctual, and lucky. Something that a survivor needs is they always need

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