Racism In The 1900's

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Racism Racism was a serious issue from the 1870’s to the 1900’s and seemed to be never ending. During this time, white people thought they were superior to all other races. They believed that all other races were inferior to them and treated them as if they were. They were brutal and nasty to them just because they were not the same race as them. During this time, the two major groups that were targeted were the Native Americans, African Americans, and Filipinos. Since the beginning, the American colonists treated the Native Americans horribly. They used all of their resources, killed them and forced them off of their land. They called them “savages” and used them for their land and resources. The Natives relied on buffalo and used every piece of them for food, shelter and resources. The colonists started killing the buffalo as a sort of game and once they found out the Natives depended on them for survival the killed even more. By doing this, they would no longer have food or shelter essentially killing them off. Even though the land was originally the Natives, the colonists …show more content…

In 1897, Theodore Roosevelt and President McKinley discussed taking over the Pacific colony in the event of a war with Spain. When Congress declared war on Spain 5,000 American troops were sent to the Philippines. After the War, McKinley refused to sign the armistice unless Spain gave the United States all of the Pacific islands. Once Spain agreed, he drew up plans for colonial administration. He pleaded to educate the Filipinos and convert them to Christianity. At first, the Filipinos welcomed the American troops but eventually turned on their former alliance and attacked their base. American soldiers described them as gugus and repeatedly insulted and physically abused them. They beat civilians, raped the women and tortured them. They treated them so poorly because they were a group of darker skin than

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