Racism In Maya Angelou's 'Black Lives Matter'

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Hello everyone, I am Naya-Monet Sembe . First off, I just want to thank everyone for taking the time out of your day to listen to my speech. Have you ever heard a wise saying by Maya Angelou “ I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, People will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel .” Now I really want to hit some good points today in regards to the reputation of African- Americans. What I see in this world today is the outlook African-Americans have that white people view as a bad habit, i’m not racist. Everyday it seems like we are living in the same building split into both sides. An example, would be protest. What does protest have to do with anything? I feels as though that for us African-Americans we have the “ Black Lives Matter” But, white people have “ All lives matter”. The irony that kills me is that it is a protest to our protest what kind of foolishness is that. In my opinion, we don’t get the respect as human beings as we

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