Racial Segregation In Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

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In the novel Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry by Mildred D. Taylor, Cassie is forced to accept the racial segregation in Mississippi in the year 1933, and she learns the hard life of being an african american child in a country run by white americans. For example, when cassie was in Strawberry she accidentally bumps into Lillian Jean, a young, white girl, she is then forced to apologize to her, and if that was not enough Lillian jean also wants Cassie to get on the sidewalk, so she tries to grab cassie's arm, and she fails the attempt but Mr Simms “caught it from behind, painfully twisting it and shoved me off the sidewalk into the road[...] You ‘pologize to Miz Lillian jean” he says. In my opinion, this was just a terrible thing to do to a young

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