Racial Profiling In Law Enforcement

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Even though I believe my goal for this paper is to identify the wrong doing of the Justice System and Administrators. I also think they should make recommendations to the unfairness of the justice system in racial profiling against African Americans because many believe they are targeted by police and if racial profiling continues the law enforcement agencies may get lawsuits.

Prevention Of Racial Profiling by a Police Agencies There are many different challenges facing police agencies when coming to racial profiling against African Americans. Racial Profiling refers to “law enforcement strategies and practices that single out individuals as objects of suspicion solely on the basis of their race, …show more content…

I also believe that it violates the rights of people. Racial profiling continues to have civil penalties and consent orders for many law enforcement agencies. Racial profiling also continues to receive worldwide attention that has raised many questions about the police agencies and what is being done. I believe not only is my research paper about police agencies receiving lawsuits but the effects that it can have and what are the solutions to trying to eliminate it all together. The Justice Department Civil Rights Division often implements consent orders when a law enforcement agency is shown to have racial profiling policies. O’ Reilly wrote: “Racial profiling consent orders costs can be substantial to the taxpayers. A racial profiling consent order imposes a set of remedies that are a multiple challenge to the statistics, training, and operational capabilities of even the best-managed police departments. The decree terms can be overwhelming to the department that is less than fully professional in its degree of executive competence and its quality of training” …show more content…

African Americans continue to have a greater imprisonment rate then white Americans. African Americans make up more then half of the prison population. Many believe that African Americans have been misjudged because many believe that they are more likely to deal drugs and commit violent crimes. Black children tend to be punished more severely in the school systems. “As it stands 70 percent of students arrests were comprised of black or Hispanic students a sign that racial profiling not only exists on our streets, but it also exists in our schools” (Jaworski) I also think racial disparities in the Criminal Justice System should be referred to as a civil rights crisis for African Americans. But like others stated, “until these issues are addressed and changed, racial justice in America will remain a distant dream” (Jaworski).
There are many concerns from the about the disparities of the criminal justice system. There have been many suggested recommendations for policies and practices regarding racial profiling. I think that many racial and or ethnic disparities in the entire justice system result from lack of set standards from jurisdictions and agencies. I also think that if they are with reducing disparities in the justice system then they should focus more on policymakers and leaders in the system. I will discuss the recommendations for shifting the focus of drug policies and practices off certain offenders.

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