Racial Pregregation And Prejudice In The Brownies By Z Packer

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Brownies is a story by Z. Z. Packer, a young African American writer. This story appears in Packer’s short stories collection, Drinking Coffee Elsewhere. The story is about a Brownie troop of fourth-grade African American girls from suburban Atlanta, Georgia, who go to summer camp. At camp, they encounter a troop of white girls and believe that one of the white girls addressed them with a derogatory racial slur. The African American girls resolve to beat up the white girls. This story is about racism and racial segregation as it is experienced by young black girls. Ironically, the story has a twist. Packer shows the reader about racial segregation and prejudice in the world through this short story. Prejudice among groups as well as within …show more content…

Personal characteristics, appearance, or natural physical function seem to be the manner in which the black girls view most of the other characters in the story. From Mrs. Margolin, the troop leader, to other characters in the story, the description includes outer personal characteristics or appearance rather than inner qualities to be admired. The description of the camp counselor is an example. “Mrs. Margolin even looks like a mother duck--she had hair cropped to a small ball of a head, almost no neck, and huge, miraculous breast” (357). The description of her attire is equally non-complementary as references to Mrs. Margolin as “Big Fat Mamma. The historical south, as the narrator describes shows white individuals in their segregated locations and blacks in theirs, with only chance meetings as both races conducted daily routines such as shopping or moving about through the streets. Therefore, having the white Brownie troop being a part of the camping trip is like being invaders as Arnetta describes--“with their long, shampoo-commercial hair, straight as Spaghetti from the box” (358). Thus, hair as well as complexion added fuel to the flame of envy and hatred, which is alive in Arnetta’s mind. A physical function such as a sneeze, which causes mucus to drip from her nose caused the narrator to wear the name “Snot” since first …show more content…

The story twists when the African American girls realize the white girls’ troop consists of "delayed learners" with "special needs," who have the medical condition of "Echolalia," which means “they will say whatever they hear, like an echo--that’s where the word comes from” (168). Staring and glaring at others because of the clothing they wear is also an act of prejudice. The case in point occurs when Laurel describes her intense glaring at a group of Mennonites, describing their attire clothing worn by Pilgrims. Making judgments about individuals based on their clothing instead of their character is a vivid example of

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