Quotes From 'The Kite Runner'

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1. Rahim Khan stated “ A man who has no conscience, no goodness, does not suffer.” He
means that if someone does something bad and they don’t feel good for what they do then they have just bad in them. He said this to Amir because he tried burying the past. However, it was affecting him still when he got back. He was upset he did not do anything to help Hassan and step him up with the watch and money. Amir has a conscience of cowardly actions he made even as an adult he regrets not depending Hassan. And Hassan has a conscience of a kind heart he is loyal and always has Amir on his mind. He stood up to Assef not for himself but to keep the kite that Amir was so proud of.
2. Amir and Hassan have a torn relationship because Amir is jealous, …show more content…

Plants, trees, gardens and bushes were mentioned all throughout the novel. The pomegranate was the most important because it symbolized Hassan and Amir as they grew up. They carved their names in the tree as they were young and when Amir went back the tree was still there just no longer producing fruits. It can be a comparison to them no longer making memories. I think the plants amir and baba were planting symbolized growth or a change as well because not long after Hassan and Ali left so did they but to America. I think they are a metaphor for a change and even a reminder of the past because they remind him of the old days playing with …show more content…

As a child Amir was the kite fight and hassan the runner. At the end amir become the runner. I think the significance of the role change is his maturity and the fact he got of the past. As a child amir seen hassan not as a friend but as a hazara servant in public so i believe he was the fighter when younger because he was on top and in public. I think once he went back and got a bad beating he finally learned his lesson and learned to love everybody like in america. The other reason is sohrab is a way for him to forget the past and what he did to hassan. He wants to treat him differently not like how he treated his dad. Amir flying the kite again showed the forgiveness and happiness he gained from his trip back. He felt god again and happy with his nephew by his

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