Quotes From Lord Of The Flies Point Of View

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The title Lord of the flies is very meaningful in respect to the novel. First, the word Devil is a Hebrew translation of the novel’s titled Lord of the Flies in which the Devil represents the dark and evil of the underworld. This idea of darkness and evil is seen throughout the novel as we see the boys use their survival skills. An example of this is when we first meet the boys they seem well behaved British boys, but as their need for survival strengths we realize these boys may not be as good as we thought. As the story develops and the kids begin to sense that there is a beast on the island they are able to expose their inner Devil. This inner Devil that the boys’ possess caused them to perform tasks that they would never do if they were …show more content…

Therefore, we witness all events without the bias of a character's thought or opinions. This detail develops the reader’s understanding of how the characters feel and why they act the way they do in the story. Finally, by portraying the story in third person the reader can understand everyone point of view instead of just one person view. 6. Characters (4-5 main or important characters): List them and describe their role(s) and significance (use t terminology ex. flat, round, dynamic, static, foil, protagonist, antagonist) The most important character in this story would have to be Ralph. Ralph had been given the leadership role, even though Jack asserted his belief that he should become the chief instead of Ralph. As soon as Ralph assumed his leadership role he decided that it was important to bring order to this group which he did by creating rules that they must follow. Though, the rules were pretty easy to follow most of the boys began to break them, causing the tribes to lose order and slowly turn into savages. By far the worst offender was Jack because he believes he should have been the leader, which caused friction between himself and Ralph. Finally, Ralph is considered a round character because we know a lot about him through his own action and words. In addition, Ralph is the protagonist in the story because he is the one that is trying to make peace …show more content…

This shows Jack dominance and wanting to be the leader by taking control. This quote also shows the two different mindsets of Jack and Ralph, Jack having a more hunting and catching pigs mindset while Ralph has a more focus on getting off the island mindset. This quote reflected the tone of the story which was internal and external conflicts among the tribe and leaders. ‘“And you shut up! Who are you, anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do. You can’t hunt, you can’t sing”’ (91). In this quote Ralph is yelling at Jack as he let the fire go out as a ship had just passed the island in which could have saved them. This quote is significant because it shows the point when Ralph starts taking control of the island and provides some kind of order to it. This quote also shows the reader how both Ralph and Jack have different concerns when on the island. On the island, Ralph is more concerned about being rescued while Jack is just worried about hunting and catching the pigs. 11. Is there anything else important or noteworthy about this work? Literary criticism? Literary elements? Historical

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