Quit Smoking: A Path to Overcome Addiction

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The problem of smoking is quite worrying, in addition to penetrating the children - children, cigarettes are also now dominated by women. In the case of smoking, the average initially experimented, then gradually became addicted. After addiction, many smokers actually intend to quit, but very few are able to quit.

Quitting smoking is very difficult, in addition to being a habit, cigarettes are also sometimes a major requirement in the association. Despite that, quitting smoking by sticking to the intention and ingrained in the heart can be done, especially if his little heart has said that a cigarette contains thousands of chemicals, even a cigarette many toxic that can cause cancer. …show more content…

- Quit smoking can make the blood circulation becomes more smoothly. If the blood circulation smoothly then it will automatically affect your sensitivity in relation. Both men and women will get the same impact.

# Physically Visible Young
- Smoking can reduce the intake of oxygen to the skin, thus making your skin look older. However, when you stop smoking your skin will get more oxygen intake, so it can prevent premature aging and the emergence of wrinkles.

# Far From Stress
- You may think that smoking can overcome stress, because cigarettes contain nicotine. But make no mistake, in fact it is just a drug withdrawal symptoms of nicotine and smoking can soothe the soul.
Keep in mind the nicotine is not a stress reliever, its only temporary. Precisely according to research stress levels of people who quit smoking will decline from when he was still smoking.

# Increase Fertility.
- The cervix and sperm quality will improve after you quit smoking. This means, the chance to have a baby is much greater than when you were still smoking.

# Risks Affected by Very Deadly Diseases.
- The risk of lung cancer, hypertension, heart attack, stroke, tongue cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer will all decline after you decide to quit smoking. Rest assured …show more content…

And for those of you who want to have a healthy family, from now on stop smoking. Why? Because by quitting smoking will protect the family from the dangers of cigarette smoke. In addition, the benefits of quitting smoking not only affect health, but save expenses.

Again reiterate, stop smoking is not an easy thing, especially for you who have been smoking for years or become addicts. But if you have a strong determination to quit smoking, there is no word that is impossible as long as you want to try. Essentially set the stance for a better life. And here are some ways to stop smoking that can be good for you:

1. Prepare Snack Foods.
- How to stop smoking is to always prepare snacks. You can choose the type of snacks according to their individual taste. The existence of these snacks is useful to distract them from smoking.

2. Focus On Its Faith.
- Very many health benefits when you decide to quit smoking. Not only for yourself, but the benefits of quitting smoking can also be felt by the family. Example for yourself, try to think stop smoking can make the face look more handsome, beautiful, beautiful, youthful, and radiant. Thus this kind of assumption, little by little will keep you away from

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