Quiet Kill Quotes

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Quiet Kill I’m just thinking about your help. I love you and want nothing to happen to you while you’re alive.” “I have enough stamina to go the distance Sherlock.” “Granted, but—” “C’mon Sherlock, why not have a little more confidence in me. It’s not like I’m on my death bed.” Just a spectator, but champagne for the brain, Sherlock said, “Granted, but do you have enough grubstake to provide for her needs? Frankly, she looks every bit of a gold digger—shaking her tail feather at you—downright disgusting—definitely no 8th Wonder of the World. When you’re with her it’s like you’re in a shark tank, nibbling on you.” To him, at Grandpa’s age, one think his eyes be watching God instead of sniffing the behind of a harlot. “Frankly, Gramps, we

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