A World That Can T Stop Talking By Susan Cain

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In the book Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain, education is a topic Cains delves into where she explains how introverts seem to be put at a disadvantage. Cain then discloses that introverts may feel unmotivated to go to school because of this exclusion and also because going to school often drains them completely of their energy. Cain writes “The purpose of school should be to prepare kids for the rest of their lives, but too often what kids need to be prepared for is surviving the school day itself.” (Cain 253). In what ways do you believe a school can be changed in order to benefit both sides of the spectrum, introverts and extroverts?

The ratio of introverts to extroverts measures out to …show more content…

This accredited notion that group work is going to work faster at producing a better solution to a problem is false. The logic behind this idea—more brainpower which would lead to more ideas then leading to better ideas—is fallacious. We, as a society, have entered into an era where we believe that the best work that is going to be done, is done collectively, not individually. In Quiet by Susan Cain, she calls this new idea “New Groupthink” she then defines it as “a phenomenon that has the potential to stifle productivity at work and to deprive schoolchildren of the skills they’ll need to achieve excellence in an increasingly competitive world. New Groupthink elevates teamwork above all else” (Cain 75). In classrooms all around the world, there is the emphasis on grouping up to solve a problem. It is safe to say that most people have experienced someone telling them to team up and brainstorm a solution. But does it work? For extroverts, it works wonders. For introverts, not so much. In “Learning to Think and Thinking to Learn” by Kate Kline, Kline discusses how group discussions tend to go when having introverts and extroverts both participate, “Extroverts tend to process and think while they are talking. In other words, an extrovert is able to think out loud. Introverts, on the other hand, must think carefully before speaking. This is often why introverts have difficulty participating in group discussions—they are processing ideas. Just when …show more content…

Many people portray introversion as being shy or being socially awkward, which it is not. Susan Cain, author of Quiet, defines introversion as “people who prefer quieter, more minimally stimulating environments. The key is about stimulation: extroverts feel at their best and crave a high degree of stimulation. For introverts, the optimal zone is much lower.” Shyness is something completely different, being shy is having a fear of humiliation whilst in public, shyness is not wanting to do something out of this idea that they will not be approved of in the eyes of the public. Introversion is not that. Introverts want to be by themselves because that is where they gain their energy from; shy people may want to be out in public doing things but they are physically scared of being seen as strange. Introverts should not be seen as a misanthrope, they should be seen as they truly are: someone who just does not want to be in the spotlight, someone who does not want to always be out socializing, someone who does not feel their most comfortable when engaged in high stimulated areas. Introversion is not something that you can cure, so people need to stop trying to. Susan Cain explores that introverts are not benefited in today’s schools, “The truth is that many schools are designed for extroverts. Introverts need different kinds of instruction from extroverts. And too often very little is made available to that learner except constant

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