Quiana's Persuasive Speech

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Throughout this course we have been preparing to be confident in delivering a solo persuasive speech by attending class lectures, participating in class discussions, and delivering presentations in group format utilizing power point. In our group presentations, we were given feedback collectively as a group as well as individually to utilize these pointers towards our individual persuasive speeches. In listening and observing my peers’ speeches, I have chosen two speakers, Quiana Gilkes and Emily Valez, to compare and contrast their individual speeches. Quiana chose to discuss hazing while Emily chose to discuss sex trafficking and both set out to bring awareness to the severity and injustices involved. In both presentations, the introductions were properly organized and delivered. However, they differed in certain respects. Quiana …show more content…

Emily effectively transitioned into the content by starting off with the causes for insufficient punishment for criminals engaged in sex trafficking by giving multiple examples of victims and criminals through a few references. For example, The Washington Post and ABC News were sources she mentioned where she received her information from. Emily then transitioned to the effects of the lack of jail time for traffickers. Quiana casually led into the content of her presentation by mentioning the extent of hazing and then transitioned over to discussing the effects of hazing. She gave some examples and stated her sources, Texas State University and Hartwick College. Quiana applied a personal touch to this part of her presentation by mentioning her own exposure from a previous college she had attended. Both presenters transitioned into the solutions of their topics effectively by stating their bills and giving examples of what can be done. One example Emily gave was to encourage victims to testify and one example Quiana gave was to have students sign a

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