Quest Of Selfhood In Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Neale Hurston

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In Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God we follow, main character, Janie Crawford as she struggles in her quest of selfhood and tries to find her voice, in a time when women were typically defined by the men the associated themselves with. Three men, Logan, Joe, and Tea Cake all made a mark on her life, although Joe Starks left deepest impression on Janie. Each of the men in Janie’s life came to her right when she needed them. When Janie found Joe she still had some of her grandmother’s values, of stability and social status, instilled in her, but because of Logan who treated her as a burden and an object, she wanted a relationship that allowed her to be herself. Joe was that freedom to Janie; Joe represented stability and security, …show more content…

Janie leaves Logan for Joe, thinking that she has finally gotten to choose who she gets to be with and that nothing could possibly going wrong. The love that Janie experiences with Joe is a possessive love. Joe overcompensates for his real fear that Janie will leave him, by controlling Janie in all aspects. From the moment Joe is made mayor he makes it clear that Janie is just a figurehead and has nothing valuable to say, Janie is unsure of why this makes her so uncomfortable but thinks “It must have been the way Joe spoke without giving her a chance to say anything one way or another that took the bloom off of things.” (43) In this quote Janie is realizing Joe’s misconceptions of manhood and how he think that in asserting his dominance to Janie he is asserting his manhood to the town, he is actually appearing weak in needing to be little Janie in order to feel better about himself. “The bloom off of things.” (43) is referring again back to Janie's sexual awakening under the pear tree, and how the once idealistic relationship between Joe and Janie is wearing off. In other words their honeymoon period is coming to a close and they are being faced with the harsh reality of their marriage, that they have next to nothing in common and do not view the world the same way. Joe consistently embarasses and berates Janie publicly and Janie finally returns the favor and tells Joe in front of the town …show more content…

Janie fell in love with Joe for the way he carried himself, his confidence and assertiveness. These traits are those that ended up breaking up their marriage and making Janie fall out of love with Joe. When Janie first meets Joe she is beginning to grow old of Logan’s aloofness and is beginning to want some romanticism. Janie sees Joe and is entranced by is style and how he seems to radiate charisma. Janie at first saw Joe as “a city fied, stylish dressed man with his hat set at an angle that didn't belong in these parts.” (27). Janie fell in love with an idea of a man. She saw a chance to have love and status and took but didn’t think enough about Joe as the person she would spend her life with. Joe treated Janie like “a pretty doll-baby”(29). Joe was so focused on keeping his status as mayor that he forgot to love and cherish Janie. Janie felt like “Jody classed me off.” (112). Through trying to keep it all together, his status, his job, his wife, Joe lost everything, but in doing so gave Janie the courage to chase what she had wanted all along, the perfect balance between independence and interdependence, which she found with Tea

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