Quentin Tarantino's Hypothesis

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By thinking about this movie it makes you believe that Quentin Tarantino may unknowingly be pitting two different brain systems against each other, the pleasure-seeking and inhibition system of the brain. One is our expectation-of-reward system along the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway. A number of studies have shown that revenge, “like listening to music or thinking romantically, activates this system.” It basically like having a huge rush or the idea of your heart skipping a beat when you have a crush on someone. And surely the audience sitting in their seats, are happy with Borman, Goering, Goebbels, and Hitler all being shot or blown up or burned to death, and this activates these systems. Because the audience have been brought into the …show more content…

Mario Gollwitzer thought there had to be some situations in which revenge could be satisfying for the revenge seeker. Gollwitzer had come up with two possibilities when considering his hypothesis on revenge satisfaction. He stated the First “was that revenge alone wasn't enough for the revenge seeker to have their satisfaction. The recipient of the revenge must know the connection between the original insult and the retaliation.” He called his hypothesis the “understanding hypothesis." The second possibility was what Dr. Gollwitzer called "comparative suffering." This meant that seeing the revenge recipient suffer was important for the seeker. In Inglorious bastards Shoshanna did not see the recipient suffer but she was able to predict their suffering and had her allies prepared to finish her work which is the same thing because she knew she would succeed in her revenge. This is also true for Raines men seeing the Nazi’s suffer as they scalped and killed the men in gruesome ways and made other Nazi soldiers watch. Dr.Gollwitzer’s “research results showed that the only situation when acting on revenge was more satisfying than not acting on revenge was when the offender understood and acknowledged why the act of revenge had occurred.” Like at the end of the movie were Raines cuts a swastika in Landis forehead. Dr.Gollwitzer described this "understanding hypothesis” as

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