Queen Of Dreams Sparknotes

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Dreams are an integral part of our lives, and are often neglected since , they are not paid much heed to. Dreams are not stories we knit in our minds, but a lot more. They are actually a reflection of our inner thoughts and play a huge role in shaping our personality, i.e. transforming us into who we actually are. If it weren’t for a dream of queen Maya, the mother of Siddhartha Gautam of a white elephant , she would have never known of her son becoming the Buddha. The novel, “Queen Of Dreams”, written by Chitra Divakuruni Bannerjee, too deals with the topic of dreams, in which the protagonist Rakhi ’s mother, Mrs. Gupta, is a dream teller. The entire novel deals with the complexity of dreams turning into reality and how it affects several …show more content…

He telegraphed his wife to put their sons' pistols away after an "ugly" dream; and he also reportedly dreamt of a White House funeral just a few days before his assassination. Greek history wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for Calpurnia’s dream. Calpurnia, Caesar’s beloved had a dream that Caesar’s blood was flowing through fountains and people were bathing in it which was indicative of a mishap. This was a very strong signal, yet was ignored which subsequently led to Caesar’s assassination and further changed the Greek history …show more content…

In the book as well, the author explores the past of Mrs. Gupta wherein her experience at the caves is described as nothing less than a different world altogether. This doesn’t seem to exist for the robotic and programmed minds of ours. In today’s world, Lucid Dreaming, is described as a state where, “not only is everything extremely vivid and real, because in fact it is indeed very real, but the lucidity aspect arises when a person becomes fully aware of the fact they are dreaming and can then assume full control over the dream. In this state the Lucid Dreamer can create any scenario they wish simply by means of the imagination, the same primary method of creation as when consciously living in the inner spheres of life and reality.” Sometimes dreams can be pre-cognitive and can indicate the happenings in the future, and the information processed during sleep time, can either be faintly remembered or be extremely graphical in

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