Qatar Research Paper

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There is no doubt that, Qatar now is one of the most advanced countries not only in the Arab world but, also in the world. Qatar faced many difficulties to be one of the most advanced nations since the second world war when the pearl price collapsed and exports had been harmed(P:1), but the Qatari people did not yield to that situation. Most of the Naim left Qatar decades before the oil boom(P:3). A similar pattern of tribal groups being incorporated into the state while also losing some of their formal power. Qatar is a stable country and many political scientist at one time predicting its fall, now predict a long- term future for Qatar's existing political system(p:5). The transfer of identity from what one is to what one does can create tremendous fissures destruction of people who feel rootless, occurs not only when a society is divested by economic depression but also during economic boom when the possibility are limitless. Most Arab countries also experienced a particularly from of anomic. In Qatar, despite enormous Change, individual Qatari are still grouped according to lineage, or a largely fictitious if authentically felt consanguinity(p:6). Although the …show more content…

The best indication of significant change may even be the creation of a Qatari intellectual tradition. Although Qatari are fabulously wealthy for the vertigo of modernity has not come without a price. It is not expected that Qatari will need to pay the debts of change any time soon and that the ride of comfortable neo-traditionalism will continue to rise. Yet it will inevitably crest whether instigated by a revolution in petroleum demand(p:16). The importance of change especially the dramatic changes of recent decades will be no means be ignored. Qatar has rapidly changed from a small highly traditional tribal society, a society languishing from the collapse of pearl prices in 1930 into a vibrant modern in Qatar have occurred only in the past

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