Pursue Population Policy

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Should The United States' Government Pursue Population Policies To Protect our Quality of Life for Future Generations?
Population - set of people who are living or residing in certain countries, parts of the world, in the world as a whole. The concept of population is not adequately understood as population, which is sometimes used to refer to a group of people, citizens, residents (eg., The population of the region, city, and so on.); often the term "population" is used as a synonym of population. Population issues involve demography - the science that is based on the analysis of economic, social, and biological and geographical factors studying patterns of processes in the structure, location and population dynamics. In my opinion, the population policies are important to U.S. and the United States' government should pursue population policies to protect our quality of life for future generations, as it helps to understand why population decreases or increases and let to understand how to cope with these issues. …show more content…

This means that over the last ten years, since 2000, when its population was 281.4 million people, it increased by 27.3 million. These figures also show that the growth of the country's population was smaller than the 1990s from 2000 to 2010, when there were 32.7 million people (13.2%). Previous peak came in the 1950s, when the US population increased by 28 million people, or 18.5%. Indicators of the last decade are comparable with the relative data of the 1980s -9.8%, and they were the lowest since the crisis of the 1930s - 7.3% was marked by an unprecedented drop in the birth rate and low migration. In my opinion, the United States' government should pursue population policies to protect our quality of life for future generations because only in this way we can learn the causes and the stability of population

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