Purpose Of Going To College Essay

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Purpose of Going to College Why do people go to college, what is the purpose in doing so? The idea of going to college to better off your life is a strong belief, especially if you are about to get out of highschool. When people in high school are about to graduate and move on they will think about going to college and they will ask themselves “what is the purpose of college?”. A college education is important in terms of economic opportunity, making a person more marketable for a job that provides a good paying salary with benefits. A college education makes a person more educated and more marketable in the world, giving them unique advantages over people without a college education. Unlike generations from the past, high school graduates today are not able to acquire the number of high-paying jobs that were once available. The United States has been transformed from a manufacturing-based economy to an economy based on knowledge, thus making the importance of a college education today, comparable to that of a high school education forty or fifty years ago. Going to college serves as the passageway to more options and more …show more content…

People with just a high school diploma or less were three times more likely than college graduates to say their work is "just a job" to help them get by, 42 percent vs. 14 percent. The field of study in college does seem to matter. Those who studied science or engineering were most likely to say that their current job is "very closely" related to their college or graduate field of study, at 60 percent, compared to 43 percent for both liberal arts and business majors. About three-fourths of all college graduates say they regretted not doing more during school to better prepare themselves to find a job, such as getting more work experience, studying harder or looking for work

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