Puritans 'Treatment Of Women In The Crucible'

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In 1692 the Puritans’ morals were very strict, they had many laws regarding women. The role and treatment of women in the play was made for the readers to understand that they were treated very harshly. The men would always try to threaten the women and make it seem like they were always in control. The characters Abigail, Mary Warren, and Elizabeth were portrayed as simple-minded, weak, and submissive. Abigail was a character that was portrayed as a simple-minded female who was labeled as a whore. She was always trying to gain power by controlling the other females around her age. Abigail was hooked on the idea of her and Proctor having a relationship, so it drove her to accuse his wife of the worst sin of all: devil-worship. However, Abigial

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