Puritans Pros And Cons Essay

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Puritans were known as strict and devout in their faith. Because of this, they would be shocked if they lived in our world today. Not only would today’s inventions, and new technology astound them, but many of the things we not only allow but accept and even promote, would appall them. Puritans are classified by their unique religious beliefs. “The end is to improve our lives...from the common corruptions of this evil world, to serve the Lord and work out our salvation under the power and purity of His holy ordinances” (Winthrop, 85). As the name implies, Puritans wanted to purify christianity from the way it had been in England. Because the world can, and does sometimes feel antireligious, especially to those who are highly zealous, modern …show more content…

Their local economy would rely strongly on agriculture and much of their food and produce would be grown and sold locally. Even though everyone would have different roles and responsibilities, all citizens would likely have very similar standards of living, as their devotion to God inspires them to help each other so that they may all be of a capacity to worship Him more fully and ably. “...we must be willing to abridge ourselves of our superfluities, for the supply of other’s necessities” (Winthrop, 85). Keeping in line with this belief, it is likely that many Puritans would lean toward socialism, but due to their extreme stances on how one is to behave in order to please God, they would also likely vote conservative, as the party has a history of being more morally strict, and of strongly influenced by and populated with …show more content…

This fear would develop largely out of their acute awareness of one of their denominations earliest leaders writings on the original Puritan settlement of Plymouth, “For now as their stocks increased, and the increase vendible, there was no longer any holding them together” (Bradford, 74). They would hold the belief that “to embrace this present world and prosecute our carnal intentions, seeking great things for ourselves and our posterity, the Lord will surely break out in wrath against us” (Winthrop, 86) This town would want to be seen by the world as an example for the world to see. Puritans are a “knit together” (Winthrop, 86) people, and they would be very reluctant to associate with people outside of their town. They still want to share their successes, but not through missionary work, but through leading by example. “We shall be as a city upon hill” (Winthrop, 86). The example this city would set be one of loving god and loving each other. They care for their own as if they were all related, and love god even

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