Pure Fiji: A Brief Business Case: Pure Fiji

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Pure Fiji is locally owned and was formed in 2000 as the export arm of Sandollars (Frodey & Naidu, 2008). It is a Limited Liability family owned company. The company started with an investment of $8,000, and presently possesses an investment in excess of FJ$5,000,000. They began with the production of gift products mainly, adult “Amenity Kits” for in-flight use on Air Pacific International Flights. Carved wood for business card boxes, note paper holders, pen cups, picture frames, etc were some of their other products. At the time their main clients included Air Pacific, Royal Tonga Airlines and the Sheraton Resorts (Frodey & Naidu, 2008). Pure Fiji started its operations during one of the worst economic times of Fiji’s history, after the 2000 coup and still it has become a success. This adds to Fiji’s reputation as a country that provides high-quality, up-market, environmentally friendly products, together with companies such as Fiji Water, Pacific Green Furniture, and Wakaya Club Resort (Frodey & Naidu, 2008). To have a successful business overseas the owners had to sacrifice a lot: working seven days a week, missing holidays and other personal sacrifices. They even went to the extent of taking no salary, instead putting all the profit back into the growth of the company (Frodey & Naidu, 2008). In 1995, Gaetane’s (the owner) daughter, …show more content…

At the time they did not have the facilities, hence they had an arrangement with a major local manufacturer to produce the products for them. the packaging took place in the family kitchen with the workers taking over the place barely leaving any family privacy. A line of soap and coconut oil were designed and named Waiwai ni Viti (oil) and Sovu ni Viti (soap). The first batch of 12 soaps was taken by Tappoo’s, which is a major up-market local retailer, and within weeks the orders grew from 12 to 24 to 100 to 500 and then Tappoo placed a $20,000

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