Purchasing Vs. Leasing A Car

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Purchasing VS Leasing a Car

Used vs New Car considerations

1)New Cars

Buying a new car has many advantages, such as freedom of choice, new features (new cars usually have new features that used cars don’t have), and the experience. However, there are many drawbacks, such as the increased cost, value deflation (once the car is driven out of the dealership, it loses about 11% of its value), and higher insurance costs. Someone that is wealthy would buy a new car, because he or she has enough money to pay for a new car. Since she or he is rich, the increased cost and higher insurance cost aren’t that much of a problem.

2) Old Cars

Buying a used car has many advantages, such as a lower cost, a cheaper insurance, and less depreciation. However, …show more content…

If someone seeks to lease cars for a long time, it may be more expensive than just buying the car. Leasing a car also has its limits. These limits include restrictions in milage and return date. The car must be returned in a good state too. A dad that wants to own a family car wouldn’t want to lease, as he would probably drive more than the mileage limit. His car would also receive a lot of bumps and bruises.

2) Buying

Buying a car also has its drawbacks. It can be more expensive than leasing a car and it is more expensive than leasing a car in the short term. My dad has two cars. He has an old family car and a nicer work car. If someone were to work at a company, it would be better if he leased a car. Not only will it be cheaper (since the buyer doesn’t know his stay at the company), but he won’t drive that much and will probably keep it clean. In the end, it comes down to the cost.

Process of Leasing

1) Leasing a car is easier than buying a car. When leasing a car, one must choose the type and model of the vehicle.

2) Once the model and type is agreed on, the customer should test drive and ask whether the vehicle contains anti-lock brake systems (ABS), electronic stability control (ESC) and head-protecting side airbags, as every single one of these are essential for

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