Pulmonary Sequestration Research Paper

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What is pulmonary sequestration? Pulmonary sequestration is a rare abnormality that develops before we are born. In this condition, a portion of the lung is separated off from the rest of the lung. The lung tissue has no direct contact with the tracheobronchial tree and gets the blood supply from the systemic vessels. The term sequestration means that it is not connected to the remaining lung or “ It's by itself”. It creates an issue with the airway and compressing the lungs (if the mass is huge). In 1946, Pryce first dubbed the condition “pulmonary sequestration,” which can be divided into two types. It is a rare lung development condition, which only accounts for .15% to 6.4% of all pulmonary abnormalities. Pulmonary sequestration can …show more content…

Present on the 1st six months of life with dyspnea and cyanosis. However, ESL is accidentally misdiagnosed as lung cancer, pulmonary cysts or mediastinal tumors. A total of 713 cases of pulmonary sequestration was reported misdiagnosis, which 36.19% by the pulmonary cyst and 21.04% was misdiagnosed by lung cancer. In some cases, a patient has a reoccurring diagnosis of pneumonia. Intralobular pulmonary sequestration is characterized by recurrent infections, hemoptysis, or pleural effusion. A chronic cough and sputum production is common. More than half of the patients will show signs by the age of …show more content…

Chest X-ray showed increased translucent mass and a small pleural effusion on the left lower lobe. Even looking at the x-ray, the left lower lobe was complete opacity and the mass was easily seen. After being admitted, she was diagnosed with pneumonia and pulmonary emphysema. Later on during the day, she was experiencing dyspnea, high temperatures, and striking pain. She was taken to the operating room for thoracoscopy, washout, and drainage of a presumed emphysema. A segment of necrotic lung inferior to the left lower lobe was identified adjacent to the left diaphragm. After the surgery, she had no further symptoms. Histology showed conformation of extralobe pulmonary sequestration. This is the first report case of pulmonary sequestration mimicking emphysema. A review of the literature found three cases of pulmonary sequestration with torsion in children, all presenting with pain. Ages between 11 and 13, showed a rapid growth in this rare

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