Public Safety And Crime Essay

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According to Giddens (2009), crime is any action that contravenes the laws established by a political authority. Crime can be traced back to the very beginning of human existence; however, public safety is increasingly being threatened today. There has been a constant struggle to curb criminal activities and all the social problems associated with them. Over the years, many strategies, plans and theories have been explored but crime is still on the rise while detection rates are on the decline. This crime plan aims to reduce the occurrence of violent crimes in Trinidad and Tobago by amending and enforcing existing laws, prison reform, boosting public confidence and rehabilitating offenders.
Public safety has been aggravated especially due to a sharp increase in the number of street crimes and break-in offenses and frequent occurrence of atrocious juvenile crimes. In addition, the menace of organized crime is growing. “Emile Durkheim believed both crime and deviance to be inevitable and necessary elements in modern societies. According to him, people in the modern age are less …show more content…

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