Ptsd Case Studies

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The claimant was a 31-year-old man. Alleged disability: Severe depression and social anxiety, attention deficit disorder (ADD), dyslexia, suicidal ideation, panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). He reported that he had a recent inpatient stay at a psychiatric facility because of reoccurring suicidal ideation, depression, and PTSD flashbacks. He stated that PTSD was debilitating and made his daily living unmanageable. Making simple decisions was challenging, completing sentences and verbalizing thoughts and tasks was increasingly difficult. He also had obsessive-compulsive behaviors such as counting loud the steps up or down the stairs. Education: 12th grade (2003), traffic control training (2011). Work experience: Traffic control flagger (construction areas- 2011-2012), …show more content…

The primary diagnosis was anxiety disorder. The secondary diagnosis was affective/mood disorders. Per mental health records (2016), the claimant had a significant history of mental illness, including depression and anxiety. Additionally, he had a history of drug, alcohol, and tobacco abuse. He received inpatient psychiatric treatment multiple times, mostly because of suicidal ideation with plan and intent. He also received ongoing outpatient treatment. The claimant also had issues with interpersonal functioning, and his ability to tolerate stress. The stress caused him acute distress and anxiety. He was impulsive and had difficulty tolerating frustration. His perception of reality at times was inaccurate, and sometimes escaped into fantasy. A psychological evaluation also suggested the presence of borderline, schizotypal and antisocial characteristics. He was homeless most of the time. The claimant was unable to keep a job and was unable to manage money. The claimant met disability listing 12.04 AB (Depressive, bipolar and related

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