Psychology In 'The Stranger' By Albert Camus

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The book that I was assigned to read is called The Stranger written by Albert Camus.

The plot of this story involved a man in his late twenties or early thirties. The main character in

the book is Meursault. In the beginning of the novel, Meursault is notified that his mother had

passed away in the nursing home that shelived in. Meursault’s could not afford to take

care of his mother any longer; therefore, he put her in a nursing home. Meursault took off of

work and went to the nursing home where she passed away to pay his respects and attend the

funeral ceremonies. When he arrived at the nursing home, the funeral director brought

Meursault to his mother’s coffin. The director asked if he wanted to see her and he quickly

replied to …show more content…

In conclusion, the type of psychology provided in this novel would most likely match the

psychology of emotions, feelings, and thoughts. These types of psychology study the behavior

of human beings and how emotion is involved. Some say that behavior is solely caused from the

mental state of the particular person. These types of psychology also study what goes through

the minds of particular people who have highly fluctuating emotions that easily reach both

extreme sides. In Meursault’s case, he showed low signs of emotion throughout the entire

story. He was very “blah” at his mother’s funeral, showed no signs of caring or love towards

Marie, and stated that he did not believe in God. With all of this being analyzed, the jury found

Meursault guilty of shooting the Arab five times, meaninglessly, because of a lack of emotional

stableness, which may lead to bigger forms of disturbing public safety. Even though Meursault

finally grasped the fact that he does have emotion right before being executed, it was too late

for him to change, or to receive a second chance. Meursault made a choice and had to pay the

consequence for

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