Psychology In Get Out By Jordan Peele

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Psychology is known as the science of human behavior and mental processes (Griggs, 2017, p. 1). It is very diverse and can be seen every day. One may not realize how prevalent psychology is in their daily lives and the things around them. An example of where psychology can be seen is in movies. In movies, different concepts of psychology are important in the development of the story. The movie Get out, written by Jordan Peele, manifests different concepts of psychology to present its true meaning. Throughout the movie, Get Out, the psychological concepts on behavior perspective, the sympathetic nervous system, and classical conditioning are emphasized. The movie Get Out, written and directed by Jordan Peele, can be described as a thriller. …show more content…

The sympathetic nervous system according to Griggs (2017) is “part of the autonomic nervous system that is in control when we are highly aroused” (p. 57). Arousal means that when encountering an emergency, a state of arousal, the body will prepare to defend itself. When it comes to the sympathetic nervous system, many different functions involved which can be seen in Chris. In the movie, Chris wanted to leave the Armitage’s home because he felt uncomfortable and had become suspicious of his surroundings (Peele & Peele 2017). Chris decided to go through Rose’s room. While he was snooping, he finds photos of all the African-American men that Rose has tricked and led to their abduction by the Armitage’s. The sympathetic nervous system is seen in the scene because Chris started to sweat because he aware that he is in danger. According to Griggs (2017), one of the functions of the sympathetic nervous system is to activate sweat glands (p.58). At this point of the movie, Chris tried to escape the Armitage’s home but is confronted by all of them. However, they were able to capture Chris (Peele and Peele 2017). Chris woke up strapped to a chair in a room and he began panicking. The sympathetic nervous system was in this scene because Chris was breathing fast, sweating, and his heart rate had increased which are functions of it. Finally, when Chris was able to escape, his body went into fight-or-flight mode in which a hormone called adrenaline is secreted by the endocrine system to help him survive (Griggs, 2017, p. 59). Chris was able to fight and kill each family in order to save himself from the danger he was

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