Psychological Theories Of Criminals

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Unfortunately, it is impossible to distinguish between a criminal and a normal person. The common phrase people hear is “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” Criminals are all different, they do not have a specific tattoo or a specific hairstyle. Criminals can look like a friend, a neighbor, or a stranger on the street. Fortunately, there are a few theories that can be studied on criminals, that may permit a clue. Furthermore, the theories that relate to crimes are from the past, but some of them hold some truth. For example, one theory is phrenology. Phrenology is used to predict if a person could be a criminal based on the shape of their skull. This theory seems far-fetched, although it could hold some truth. The skull is made to protect the …show more content…

Psychoanalysis was created by Sigmund Freud. He believed that the mind had three parts, which were the id, ego, and superego. The id is the first piece developed. The id is the child part of the brain. It does think it just wants what it wants. The second is the ego, which is when the brain starts thinking about other things, it rationalizes. Super ego is the last to develop. Super ego is the sane part of the brain. It is the part that has morals in it, such as social norms and parental approval. This theory makes sense, I believe that a criminal would be missing the super ego part of the brain. If the super ego did not develop then the person would have no morals, meaning that the person would not care about social norms, which could have led to deviant …show more content…

Antisocial personality disorder is an illness that affects a person mental health. Antisocial personality disorder to when the individual does not stress the importance of right or wrong in any given situation and they do not regard other people’s feelings. Typically, they treat others with harsh behavior. Individual with antisocial personality disorder can be manipulative, brutally, hostile and believe they are superior to the rest of the citizens. They function on impulse, which means they can do it on a whim. I could see a connection between serial killers and antisocial personality disorder. If the individual has antisocial personality disorder, they do not really have emotions. Emotions make humanity weak, but in a sense, they make us strong, they keep us grounded and sane. If a serial killer can’t experience emotions, maybe that’s why they commit crimes, to see the emotions in others. They are easily agitated and act on impulse, meaning they could commit a crime without even thinking about it. We as humans have a conscience, which keeps most of us from hurting other people, but someone with this disorder has no care for right or

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