Psychiatrists: Medical, Psychological, And Salary

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Psychiatry Psychiatrists are doctors trained in medical, psychological, and social components to diagnose mental illness. This is just one of the many things you will learn in this paper about psychiatry. This paper will discuss psychiatry; what it is, its history, the schooling needed, and salary. Psychiatrists are trained in medical and psychological and social components of mental, emotional and behavior disorder (Michigan Psychiatric Society). Psychiatrists use a wide range of treatments, like psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, and medication. They diagnose for both mental and physical illnesses (Farnen). Also, they solve conflicts with people (Intro Careers). They also help families deal with stress and crisis. Psychiatrists work on treatment …show more content…

He believed that mental illness was called madness or inflammation of the brain. In 1812, Dr. Benjamin Rush published the first psychiatric textbook printed in the United States. Benjamin Rush taught psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Rush believed in bleeding his patients to cure them (Penn Medicine). By bleeding his patients he thought the less blood going to the brain would create less inflammation of the brain.
Psychiatrists must have certain degrees like a bachelor’s degree and a medical degree as well as additional qualifications. Psychiatrists are Four-year bachelor’s degree to prepare for medical school. The essential undergrad classes are math, biology, chemistry, physics, and English. Before medical school students major in biology and chemistry. Some schools combine bachelor’s and medical degrees together in a seven-year term …show more content…

The wage ranges from $187,765 to $234,388. Fifty percent of psychiatrists make less than the median salary of $209,536 (Psychiatrist Salaries.). There are very few annual openings in this career. Ten-year growth of the job outlook for psychiatry is very fast in Ohio (Intro Careers).
To be a psychiatrist you have to have a high level of social interaction and you should have investigative interests. Communication and understanding are key in this line of work. Knowing people, their actions, and mental process, and how to treat their problems is very important. Noticing changes in behavior in relation to others actions is also important to understand. Know the impact of values and ethics on people. Be able to create relationships and knowledge about patients to give personal service based on patients needs. You must Know where the patient comes from and how they behave (Intro Careers).
Some working conditions are performing work with the public, participating on committees to promote community health services, and counseling patients and family members about patients conditions. You also have to teach at medical schools and take classes to update skills. Staying up to date on computers is also very important (Intro

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