Psychiatric Center Observation

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Observation Interdisciplinary is crucial in any workplace to ensure things run smoothly. All those involved work as a team for the same outcome. This is crucial in a psychiatric setting if doctors, nurses, social workers, and therapist don’t work together to ensure the patient is getting the necessary treatment and care then the patient will suffer. Psychiatric center workers are holding the livelihood of then individual placed there in their hands. Each worker must put aside their own personal thoughts and feeling and think in regards to the patient. What will help them succeed in coping in regards to their mental illness and what treatment’s, groups and placements are necessary to this to happen. All these things must be agreed upon to better the client’s livelihood and independence if relevant. …show more content…

Each worker strives to ensure the patients are taken care of and that their needs are meet. The Social Worker truly shows the use of the NASW in this seating. There are times that they must make an ethical decision based on the best interest of the client. There are many clients that feel they are able to go home and care for them self’s but truly are not. The Social Worker along with the doctor and other staff members make the difficult decision of taking the individual’s right away making them a ward of the state or putting them in other necessary

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