Psilocybin and its Many Uses

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In the kingdom of Fungi, is a collection of different organic multicellulary eukaryotic organisms. Fuguses are unique from any other life form. They grow in the wild yet they are not plants. They also breakdown and digest animals and plants alike, but they are not animals. Fungi are made up of chitin, a derivative of glucose that is also found in cephalopods, arthopods and crustaceans alike. Similiar to cellulose which is a what plants' cell walls are comprised of, Chitin is a tough material that gives the Fungi its structure.
All over this planet from the ocean floor to the forests and jungles some form of Fungi can be present. Though they can be found in many different forms such as mold yeast, the most commonly known is the Mushroom. Found in the wild on dead plant and animal matter, the mushroom is nothing more then the fruit of a fungus spore and can be a nutrisous food. There is a specific Genus of these Fungi that have a unique chemical inside of them. Psilocybin or its chemical name Dihydrogen Phospate is a naturally occuring compound with strong Psychoactive properties.
Psilocybin Mushrooms or more commonly referred to as "Shrooms, Magic Mushrooms etc" have been used by many different cultures in varies ways. The early Mesoamericans used them for communion in religious and healing ceremonies. During the era of The Hippie Movement people experimented with Psilocybin for recreation and experience vivid "trips". Some today believe that the mysterious "Manna" that was spoken of in the Old Testament or the "Tree of Knowledge" was infact this particular fungus. Regardless of all this Psilocybin, this natural compound has a interesting effect on the human brain.
Found most commonly in South America but also in places such ...

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... a substance was used for in the past, will be able show what it can be used to cure in the future.

Works Cited


2 -Historia general de las cosas de nueva España

3 -Richard Evans Schultes life

4 albert hoffman

5 marsh chapel experiment

6 more on the MCE





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