Psalm 24: 1-9 Case Study

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Biblical Background:
Psalm 24: 1-6
This Psalm was composed during the time when the Ark of the Covenant was transferred from Obed-Edom to Jerusalem. The first 6 verses illustrate the power of the Creator. God, the Creator owns everything, this is because God created everything. In verse 1-2 God made the waters; the seas and rivers and then the dry land. Verse 3-6 vividly describe the people worthy to go up the Lord’s hill and worship God; those who are pure in act and thought and who do not worship idols or make false promises. The Lord will bless and save those who come to God’s presence with clean heart and mind and God will declare them innocent. Clean hands and a pure heart means righteous, the forgiven people. Only God sees what’s inside us and only God knows if we are clean and worthy. (Easy English Bible and Commentary)

Ephesians 1: 3-14
The following verses speak about the bestowing of God’s blessings. It is worthy to note that blessings from God are the result of our union with Christ Jesus. It is because of our Savior and Mediator, Jesus Christ, that …show more content…

Jesus, though very tired and need some rest, was filled with pity and compassion when he saw the crowds gathering to him their needs. Jesus considered them as a flock of spirituality, starved sheep in need of a shepherd; no food to eat and water to drink with, for there was no shepherd to feed and give them a drink. The disciples were reminded that Jesus, alone, could satisfy their needs, both spiritually, physically, socially and emotionally. Without Jesus authority and empowerment, the disciples were not able to satisfy even the people’s physical needs. With the five loaves and two fish, Jesus, miraculously, were able to feed the crowd. To many people, who witnessed the miracles of Jesus, they confess that the miracle was a sign that Jesus was the promised great prophet. (Bridgeway

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